How to Reinvent Yourself

I'm ready to reinvent myself! Ready for a new life, a new me. I’m ready to take things to the next level and live the life I know I'm capable of living. My old life just doesn't fit me anymore. 

I'm ready for a change.

Reinventing ourselves means changing our vibration. I want to experience a different vibration so I spent the last month working on this for myself. As a result, I'm now well on my way to the life I want. You always have the option to reinvent yourself too!

Here are the steps:

  • Decide that you want to change and commit to it.

  • Visualize the new you.

  • Do the work. 

  • Enjoy the journey!

We’ll delve further into each of these below.  

Commit to the change.

The first step is committing to the change and in order to do that, you must first decide to change. So how do you decide to change? Check-in with yourself. Do you love your life? There may be no reason to change right now. 

Or are you less than satisfied, not feeling comfortable with the way things are going, the direction you’re taking? Our discomfort is there to let us know it's time to shift. It’s not that something is wrong with you. Discomfort is a sign that your soul is ready for change and the next vibration.

But you have to commit. It's going to take time and energy to change your vibration and if you aren't all in, you might as well stop now. No judgment. Don't beat yourself up. You're either ready or you're not. Let yourself off the hook and let any shame go if it just isn't your time to commit. 

You must be 'all in' and willing to do what it takes to make the shift.

Visualize the new you.

The second step to reinventing yourself is to visualize the new you. Dream. Be open to higher inspiration from the Universe and allow it to guide you. Create a clear picture in your head of your new life. 

  • What does the new you look like? 

  • Where will your new life take you? 

  • What exactly do you want to change? 

  • What are you wearing? 

  • How are you feeling? 

  • What does your day look like? 

  • Who are the people around you? 

The more detailed your visualization, the clearer the path to reaching it. Sometimes it's just one thing and other times it's your whole life. 

What we're doing in this stage is trying on new energy. Almost like trying on clothes. Does this vibe fit? Am I comfortable in it? Is this exactly how and who I want to be? Since we are moving from our old vibration to a new one, we want to be absolutely certain we love our new vibration.

The more time you spend in dreaming, the easier the reinvention will be. Do it a few times a day, multiple times a week. Feel the new vibration. Get a clear picture in your head.

This step requires lots of time dreaming and imagining. Probably more time than you anticipate. You may think an afternoon thinking about this is enough. It's not. This stage could take days, weeks, even months. Don't rush through this important step.  

Do the work.

The third step is to do the work. Once you have a clear picture, start the work of moving your energy to the new vibration. 

We do this in the physical realm. Clean out your closet. Change your routines. Remember your picture and if it doesn't fit in your picture, release it. The act of releasing things, thoughts, and possibly jobs and people will create space for new energy to come into your life. Each thing you release shifts you closer to your new vibration. 

In addition to releasing the old, we need to build the new. Try new things. Push yourself to expand your comfort zone. Start dipping your toe into the life you want. Try a new restaurant. Go to a networking event. Change your hair. But don’t stop there. Make a plan of what you need to do to get your life to look like the picture in your head. If you want a new career, consider any training you may need. Research what others have done before you. Figure out what fits and what doesn’t. Write your plan down and then take the steps to make it happen. 

Hold the image of the new you close and stay focused on that goal as you follow your plan. But be flexible about the path to the new you. We need a plan to start, but sometimes that path isn’t straight — in fact, it’s rarely straight! There are bumps and twists and turns and false starts. 

And that is ok. 

Keep your eye on the goal. Make adjustments to the process along the way. When you get off track, go back to step #2 and spend time dreaming and visualizing. And don’t give up.

Enjoy the journey!

Step number 4: 

Enjoy the fucking journey! 

We are so abundant that we get to reinvent ourselves! We live in a time where we can decide who we want to be. We have the consciousness to know that it's possible. This is a huge gift! Enjoy every step of the process. Enjoy the days dreaming about your new life. Enjoy the time cleaning out your old life. Show gratitude for the people, things, and thoughts that got you to this point. Thank them and release them. Celebrate yourself for sticking with the process.

As I continue on my own path of reinvention, some days are hard. Some days I question why I wanted to start this in the first place or if I’ll ever reach my goal. But those days are a gift. Getting through them without giving up takes me to the next level. So I am grateful for every step of this journey and I celebrate the hard days with just a little more excitement.

Now it’s your turn. Who will you choose to be?

Written by Renee Spears. Renee is a Law of Attraction Coach & Mentor, Spiritual Advisor, and Host of The Abundology Podcast. Learn more and work with Renee here.