How to Stay Positive in Tough Times

Watching the news in 2020 is less like navigating a minefield and more like picnicking on the beach in Normandy on D-Day. We’re no longer surprised that there’s bad news but wonder what the bad news will be today and how much worse than we thought possible. We may be shell-shocked, angry, feeling helpless, or all of the above. Or we may be galvanized to help, to make a difference, to fix things. Whatever our reaction, we need to find a way to protect ourselves from the negativity we see on tv, on social media, or in our own lives. 

But how can you remain positive in today's political climate? It feels like democracy and humanity are being attacked all day, every day.  

How do you balance being a good citizen and staying informed without being angry about what's happening? 

Last week I posted a meme about Trump and a friend commented that - based on the Law of Attraction - we shouldn't be focusing on Trump. She suggested that it would be better to just ignore him. And she's partially right. Focusing on the bad stuff happening creates more of the bad stuff. But ignoring problems would mean allowing them to continue and we can’t do that either. We need to find a way to diminish the bad while increasing the good.  

The Law of Attraction states that whatever we focus on increases. We can use that knowledge to shift how we deal with the current situation and find a way to be positive.

Focus on the Positive

I see things on my newsfeed that just fucking piss me off. I get so angry and feel so helpless and frustrated about the current situation that I can feel my blood pressure rise. Anger is nothing to be ashamed of. It has a purpose. It’s only harmful if we stay there and make decisions based in anger. So feel the anger and then release it. Staying in anger is what hurts you and it does nothing to help the situation.  

Once you’ve released the anger, focus on the positive. Focus on the hardworking and committed journalists who brought you the information. Thank goodness we live in a country with a free press so that we have access to information! Focus on the brave people speaking out - everyday citizens caring enough about right and wrong to let their voices be heard. A few more examples to get you started: 

  • The ACLU standing up for our rights in court.

  • Our system of checks and balances.

  • Courts overturning illegal actions.

I always feel hopeful when I see our next generation of teenagers leading the way toward gun control and speaking out about global warming. When you encounter something terrible, look for a positive component.

Practice Gratitude

Build on this positivity with gratitude. Start by remembering all of the things that you already know to be grateful for - things like health, freedom, love, and friendships.  

Launch a practice of gratitude if you haven’t already done so. Select a time each day to write down three new things that you’re grateful for - first thing in the morning or right before bed can be especially powerful. Don’t write the same three things every day. Force yourself to come up with three new things. This gets you in the habit of appreciating what you have. Be grateful for having clean water to drink, for healthy children, for dynamic parents, Some days it may be as simple as having a bed to sleep in. Anything is fine. The point is to remind yourself of your many blessings so that you begin to live in appreciation. Make gratitude a habit. 

Then work on being grateful for what you see as a negative. This is a tough one right now. How can we possibly be grateful for our current situation?  

We can start by being grateful that the dark underbelly of our society has been exposed. Like many living in liberal bubbles, I was unaware of the extensive racism that still exists. Many of us weren't aware of the hatred bubbling just below the surface. Or the extreme inequality in our country. Or how poorly people of color, immigrants, the LGBTQ community, and women continue to be treated and viewed. I didn't know how greedy people could be. I’m grateful that now I know these things because knowledge means I can work harder to find a solution, to counter the negativity. 

In order for our society to improve and thrive, we must confront these beliefs and inequities and we must fix them. The first step is acknowledging they exist  When I see a new low happening in our country, I’m grateful that I'm now aware of what can happen if we don't change. I’m grateful that we are waking up.

Finding a way to be grateful for intolerable situations is challenging. It may seem impossible sometimes. You may not always succeed at first - and that’s ok. Make the effort. Find some small aspect that you can appreciate and chip away at the problem again tomorrow. You will make progress and in so doing, will bring more positivity into the world.

Take Positive Action

My goal is to manifest a better world for everyone and in order to do that, I need to take positive action in addition to creating positive energy. Many of us want to do something. Part of the frustration we feel can be feeling helpless. Feeling like things are out of our hands can make the situation seem hopeless. And this can lead to a cycle of negativity. We do not make things better by fighting against the present unhappy conditions. We do not make things better by blaming others. Instead of being 'against' something, focus on being 'for' something: 

  • Despise the current president? Be FOR one of his opponents.

  • Don’t like kids in cages? Be FOR humane immigration reform.

  • Worried about the Climate Crisis? Be FOR finding solutions.

 Once you understand what you are for, take action.

  • Support our free press by subscribing to newspapers.

  • Run for office or help with a political campaign.

  • Donate.

  • Join the movement.

Instead of protesting against something, stand for something. This is a simple shift in thinking that can dramatically change how you feel. Staying in anger makes us weak. Focusing on the positive keeps us strong.


This may be the most difficult step of all. It may also be the most important.  

Remember that holding onto a grudge harms you more than it does the other person. So, take steps to forgive during this difficult time. Remember good qualities or good moments. If you feel someone is unforgivable, set a timer for one minute - 30 seconds if a minute is too long - and direct positive thoughts toward them. Even if you have to think about the color of the shirt they wore that one time in order to find a positive, do it. Find something. And keep working at it until you succeed.  

Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting and it doesn’t mean compromising our ideals. It means living with compassion and letting go of negative feelings. 

Forgive your brothers and sisters. Forgive the ‘former friend’ that pushed you too far with their MAGA taunting. Forgive yourself.

Love Will Triumph

These do feel like troubled times so take care of yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Pace yourself. You don’t have to save everybody or fight every battle today.

Take care of your physical and mental health so that you're available to help your fellow citizens and your country. Eat right and exercise to stay healthy. Practice meditation to calm your mind and nervous system. Take regular breaks from the news and social media. Taking care of ourselves is one of the most important things we can do. We don't want to be so worn down that we can't help each other. We must stay strong for our country and our planet.  

Remember, it's OK to feel anger and hatred as long as you don't stay stuck there. Living in anger diminishes our power.

Resist the idea that this is the new normal. Stop thinking or talking about your present dissatisfaction. Focus on taking action in a positive way.

Our responsibility is to concentrate on higher ideals and work towards them. We make things better by being better. By being loving. By being kind. Expect change for the better.  Picture your ideal world and work toward it. Hold the belief that everything works out for the best.

 And remember that love always triumphs over hate.

Written by Renee Spears. Renee is a Law of Attraction Coach & Mentor, Spiritual Advisor, and Host of The Abundology Podcast. Learn more about working with Renee here.