The World Needs Us Now

We Can’t Isolate Ourselves in Positivity. Create the change in the world that you want in your own life.

Staying positive is fucking hard right now!

Every time we turn on the tv or check into Facebook, we see images of pain, suffering, and cruelty. We're bombarded with horrible news. Lies are the new truth. It feels like we live in a dystopian novel and there’s no going back.

Clearly, the guy on the white horse isn't coming to save us. We have to do the saving ourselves. It's up to us. But how?

Like many of you, I've struggled with how to help. It all feels so overwhelming. How do I live a positive life in an increasingly negative world? What can I do to create change and bring about a positive transformation?

The Power of One Voice

Yesterday I spotted a lone woman standing in the middle of Pioneer Square in Portland, Oregon. Her sign - hand-painted in black letters on a piece of cardboard - bore the words, 

“Babies Don’t Belong in Cages.” 

Simple. Profound. Truth. Nobody can argue otherwise. 

This woman is my hero! She understands the power of one voice. She reminded me that I can make a difference. That we all can make a difference. 

Her quiet, civil protest reminded me that small steps matter. That we all have the power to make a difference. One person with a simple sign can start a movement. One woman. One man. One voice.

She has power. I have power. 

You have power!

And together we can create a tidal wave of change. 

Historically, good always triumphs, but we can’t wait for “someone else” to make it happen. Here are some ideas to get you started.

It’s time to take care of yourself. 

Want to help? Take care of yourself first. Before we can help others we must boost and maintain our own energy.  Your job is to figure out how to raise your energy and keep it up: 

  • Start a meditation or exercise practice. 

  • Break the habits that are holding you back. 

  • Appreciate what you have. 

It's essential to keep our energy up during this time. This is a marathon and we need to continually replenish our energy. We must do things to feel good. The better we feel, the more we can help. 

It's time to get your shit together. No more playing small. No more half-assing your life. No more settling!

It’s time to use your energy to help others.

Once your energy is high you can use it to help. Everything is energy. By learning to focus and use it, you can not only create a wonderful life for yourself but also help others. Here's how:

Practice the Loving-Kindness Meditation 

Based on a Buddhist tradition, the Loving-Kindness Meditation is a practice of “unconditional, inclusive love” radiated both towards oneself and ultimately to all living beings. It’s about loving without judgment and with kindness. 

This link  takes you to a guided version of the meditation and also presents the transcript for those who prefer to meditate on their own. You can use this powerful tool to infect the world with positive energy. 

While you need to set aside about 15 minutes for the complete meditation, you can do part of it any time. Close your eyes (unless you’re driving!), take some deep breaths and say:

 “May all living beings be safe, happy, healthy, live joyously…” 

It's that simple. Imagine the positivity one person can inject in the world with this. Now multiply that by all of us doing it daily.

Send energy to people in need

Take the concept of the Loving-Kindness Meditation and switch it up slightly to benefit those who need it most.

  • Close your eyes, take some deep breaths and focus on something in your life you deeply appreciate. It can be anything. A person, pet, experience, anything. 

  • Appreciate everything about it to the point of crying.

  • At that point shift the picture in your head to people that need love. Maybe it’s the homeless veteran you see on your way to work. Maybe it’s more general, like the children of immigrants held in cages.

  • Picture this love and appreciation flowing out of your heart directly to those people. Hold this and feel it, again to the point of crying. 

  • Hold it as long as you can.

Repeat this often.

Money is a form of energy. 

Donating is a way of focusing energy. If you are moved to contribute financially, here are some possibilities:

  • Advocacy groups 

  • Legal assistance 

  • Political candidates whose values align with your own

  • Relief organizations.

Do your research to ensure your energy - in the form of money - will be used to support the change you intend to bring about.

Do what you can! 

Every time you do something or think something you are changing it with your energy. 

No action is too small. 

Use everything you have to help. I'm helping by sharing this blog and podcast with the intention that it shifts energy and inspires others. 

Don't know where to start? Here are a few more suggestions:

  • Share social media links (like this one) on how to help.

  • Protest. March. Donate.

  • Start a donation drive asking family, friends, and co-workers to donate. Bake pies and give them to anyone that donates more than $20.

  • Stand on a corner holding a sign.

  • Buy items on Amazon and have them delivered to the places they're needed.

  • Have the difficult conversations. Listen as appropriate. Inform when necessary.

  • Vote. Volunteer to take voters without transportation to the polls.

  • Call your representatives at all levels of government.

  • Be the squeaky wheel.

Are you sitting at home and don't know what to do? Stop complaining and do something! 

I’m thinking again of the lone woman in Pioneer Square. I think I’ll take her some lunch, maybe a gift certificate for a massage. I want her to know that she’s making a difference and that her effort means something.

Please comment below with your own ideas.

Written by Renee Spears. Renee is a Law of Attraction Coach & Mentor, Spiritual Advisor, and Host of The Abundology Podcast. Learn more here.

Listen to Renee’s podcast about helping here.