How to Raise Your Partner's Vibration

Pump Up the Energy

One of the most frequent questions I see is, “How do I raise my partner's vibration?” When we start consciously raising our own energies, the relationships around us begin to change.

If the people surrounding us are positive and loving, we feel supported and validated.

But that’s not always the case. Problems arise when we notice negativity in the people around us. Maybe they’re not the people we thought they were. We may wonder if it’s even possible to maintain these relationships. And if we should maintain them.

And if the negativity comes from your partner, your choices may seem overwhelming. You feel emotionally invested, possibly financially entangled, and committed. You want your partner to take this journey with you and discovering their resistance hurts! Unfortunately, if you believe that they lack the capacity, or if you are unsure about them, then your relationship will struggle.

So how do you “fix” your partner?

It begins with you.

As in every spiritual journey, the first step is to focus on yourself - your intentions, your spiritual growth. Seize the opportunity to learn from your partner and the situation. Thank the universe for this chance to expand.

Look inward to find your own motivations, desires, and paths. How does your partner fit into your perfect life? Do they fit in at all? Be honest with yourself and take your time. There’s no need to rush. You know the answer.

It’s ok if you choose to move away from the relationship. Part of growth is letting things go. And it's always good to remember that everything works out for everyone's highest good. Your partner is on their own path and their way to enlightenment may differ from yours.

If you choose to continue the relationship, some actions can ease the way for both you and your partner.

Create the partnership you want, by being a positive partner.

The Law of Attraction states that you get what you believe. If you believe that your partner is capable of becoming a positive person, then that becomes more likely. Start by setting your intention to keep them in your life. Focus on how much you love them and want them with you.

Set the example.

Jim Rohn says that “you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Just by keeping your own energy high, your partner's energy will rise too.

You're also probably attracting other high-vibrating friends. Hang out in groups that include your partner and as many other positive people as you can. Positive thinking is a habit and it helps to socialize with people that have the same habit.

Find a reason to compliment them every day. Offer at least one sincere ‘thank you’ every night. This serves two purposes: It helps you to focus on the positive and it creates space for joy in your partner. Most people find it very difficult to respond negatively to thank-yous or compliments. These small acts of appreciation accumulate and build.

Stop thinking of your partner as a negative person.

Avoid focusing on their negativity. Savor the times they’re positive, loving, kind, and helpful. Appreciate their positive qualities.

Give your partner time to adjust. Keep all your interactions positive. Never belittle them for being negative. Sow kindness, understanding, and positivity to get the same in return. Practice patience.

Share your intentions.

When you set your daily intentions, tell your partner what they are. (Read more about setting intentions here.) It's important to share them before the events happen to make it believable. If you tell your partner after the fact, it’ll be much harder to convince them it happened because of your intention.

If your daily intention includes surprises, point them out, and celebrate them when they show up. Before long they will be looking for surprises and celebrating with you.

If your intention includes increasing your income, tell your partner about it. Share everything you’re doing to make it real - positive affirmations, vision boards, meditation, appreciation for the money that you already have.

And then celebrate with them when more money shows up.

Live your best life.

The best thing you can do for anyone in your life - and for the world - is to be your best self.

Energy affects everything around you. I know you can shift other's energy because I do it daily. Although everyone has free will and has to do the work themselves, it makes it much easier for them if you keep your own energy high.

Be the positive. Set the example. Live at a higher vibration and help your partner to make the same shift.

What are your experiences? Have you seen a shift in your partner? Leave a comment below - I’d love to hear from you!

Written by Renee Spears. Renee is a Law of Attraction Coach & Mentor, Spiritual Advisor, and Host of The Abundology Podcast. Learn more here.

Listen to Renee’s podcast ‘How to Raise Your Partner’s Vibration’ here.