Love Your Money and It’ll Love You Back

How to have a happy relationship with your money.

Most of us grew up with some version of the Golden Rule - basically, to treat others as you want to be treated. Be a friend if you want to have a friend. What you may not have learned is that this applies to money as well.

Your money treats you the way you treat it, so treat your money as you would your best friend.

Treat it with respect

Pay attention to your money! Don’t ignore it. Don’t avoid it, as this ultimately costs you more. Open bills and bank statements when they arrive. Or go paperless and make it a point to check your accounts weekly, monthly, or even daily. Find a system that works for you and stick with it.

Knowing your account balances can help you avoid unnecessary fees. You may incur overdraft fees if you lose track of the money you have available. You may overspend early in the month, thinking you have enough, then come up short later, when it’s time to pay the bills.

People often avoid thinking about money because it can be scary. But knowing where you stand can alleviate those fears. Saving on unnecessary fees improves your financial situation, which makes you feel better about your money. And when you feel better about it, you begin to have a better relationship with it.

You wouldn’t want to be the kind of friend that only calls if you need something, so pay attention to your money.

Communicate in a positive manner

Speak highly of your money! Express gratitude for the money you have and the items and experiences it buys.

So many people say they never have enough money. Would you love someone that says you’re not enough? Well, guess what? If you keep saying your money isn't enough, it will continue to not be enough.

Instead of saying that you can't afford something, switch your words from negatives to positives. Say you're being smart with your money. Talk about how excited you are to be paying off your debts. Or saving for that dream vacation. Rather than saying you live paycheck to paycheck, say that you always have enough. Speak about the good your money does. Reframe your money language in a positive light.

Don’t be that friend. The one who is always complaining. Speak abundantly so that you can live abundantly.

Treat it with kindness

Treat your money like it’s special! Show your cash that you want it around by taking care of it physically.

Chances are, you already take care of your wardrobe - cleaning and storing it neatly so it’s ready when you want to wear it. If you kept it balled up on the floor, you’d have to do extra work to make it presentable. Not doing so would mean missing out on opportunities such as new jobs or promotions.

Now think about how you keep your money. Is it crumpled up in a junky old wallet? Of course, you can still spend it, but imagine how you'd feel pulling your crisp cash out of a beautiful wallet. It’s ok to take pride in our appearance, whether that be in the clothes we wear or in the appearance of the money we keep. Feel the joy that comes with a beautiful presentation.

Keep enough cash in your wallet that when you open it you feel abundant. You feel rich when you open your wallet and see a lot of cash. The amount isn’t important; whatever feels like prosperity to you is the right amount.

Be the friend that, by acting with kindness, inspires kindness in return. Imagine opening your beautiful wallet and seeing it filled with money.

Enjoy being together

Enjoy being with your money! Much of our wealth today lives in banks so these need to be places that inspire confidence and feelings of well-being.

Do you like your bank? You should feel good about doing business there. The right bank supports your values. Friendly, respectful people help you with your transactions when you visit. If you don’t feel good walking into your bank, shop around. The simple act of changing banks can work wonders.

Enjoy spending time together, so money wants to spend time with you. Everything about your money should be a pleasant experience, including your bank.

Embrace the challenges

Love your bills! Rather than dreading your bills, embrace them as reminders of the good that exists in your life.

When you pay your power bill, be thankful for the heat or air conditioning that keeps you comfortable. Thank your cable or Netflix bill for entertaining you. Pay silent homage at the grocery store checkout for the coffee that gives you life.

If you have credit card debt, think about how that card has helped you. It's paid for wonderful meals. Helped friends and family. Been there in an emergency. Maybe it allowed you to take a dream vacation. Appreciate the abundance on that credit card.

Hating your bills doesn't get rid of them any sooner. It lowers your money vibration and keeps other money from getting to you. Be the friend that finds the good.

Enjoy a happy relationship with your money

If you want more money, you need to improve your relationship with it. Pay attention to it. Speak highly of it and treat it like it’s special. Enjoy being with your money and even learn to love your bills. Love your money and it will love you back.

Becoming friends with your money and treating it with respect is the first step on the road to abundance. If you’re ready to take the next step, learn more about Renee here or schedule an appointment.

What small steps can you make today? Leave a comment below - I’d love to hear from you!

Renee Spears is a Law of Attraction Coach and Mentor, Spiritual Advisor and Host of The Abundology Podcast.